10 for 2010
1. Work more original crafts, artwork, and designs into my home/life.
2. Instead of picking up my camera for a project or photoshoot, make sketches of ideas beforehand.
3. Plan a little trip away from the area.
4. Go to the Wellness Center to work out more often.
5. Cook healthier using fresh veggies.
6. Develop a schedule to keep as much stress out of my life.
7. Attend more events downtown since it is only a couple blocks away.
8. a) Don't be afraid to take out my camera just because people may feel weird(ex: friends or families homes).
b) Don't be afraid to take out my camera when other people have theirs out and are taking the same picture(ex: in Scotland with way too many aspiring photographers).
9. Purchase or find a Polaroid, Instax, or Lomo camera.
10. Finish and start fun little sewing projects.