Friday, January 8, 2010


Christmas(aka the most stressful time of the year) is now over with and we are now into a new year. I have yet to really think much about what my new year resolutions will exactly be. Instead of making one large resolution I'm going to list a few thinks I would like to accomplish this year. 

10 for 2010
1. Work more original crafts, artwork, and designs into my home/life.
2. Instead of picking up my camera for a project or photoshoot, make sketches of ideas beforehand.
3. Plan a little trip away from the area.
4. Go to the Wellness Center to work out more often.
5. Cook healthier using fresh veggies.
6. Develop a schedule to keep as much stress out of my life.
7. Attend more events downtown since it is only a couple blocks away.
8. a) Don't be afraid to take out my camera just because people may feel weird(ex: friends or families homes).
    b) Don't be afraid to take out my camera when other people have theirs out and are taking the same picture(ex: in Scotland with way too many aspiring photographers).
9. Purchase or find a Polaroid, Instax, or Lomo camera.
10. Finish and start fun little sewing projects. 

My Inspirations:


  1. I totally wasn't aware that there were new versions of Polaroid instant cameras... totally awesome to hear, because I'm pretty sure that Polaroid discontinued instant film to supply only through 2009. I'm way excited about this update. :) I had no idea.

    Also, the rest of your goals are fantastic. I especially love the doing more things downtown one and being more bold and confidant with your camera being a part of you. People will hardly notice it constantly hanging around your neck soon. :)

  2. Thanks Lauren! I can't believe I didn't see your comment until now, oops. I think I need to set this up with my e-mail account. Definitely check out It is amazing! We are working with the Holga in school right now.
