Friday, September 3, 2010

Senior Year

I guess I would say that this is a new beginning. I just started my senior year of college, yet I don't really know what to think about it. I haven't decided if I should just finish it out and find a job or if I should stay in school for one more year to get a higher degree which could set me apart from all other Graphic Designers. Then there is the thoughts that are looming around my head: "Is graphic design where God wants me to be, or is graphic design what God used to lead me to photography." All of those questions raise more questions. One thing is for certain, I will finish my graphic degree and not pursue a photography degree. Why? After this semester(or year), I should have learned all that I need to know about running my camera and studio lighting. Plus, barely any photographers that I know actually went to school for photography, so I'm still ahead of the game. Anways, I love graphic design I just feel like photo has taken over my life as of right now.

Photography Lighting Studio
Graphic Design Senior Studio
20th Century Art History
Dreamweaver/CSS (web design in HTML code)
Flash (Interactive website design)

Other than that, I love my job at Legacy even more. The work environment is perfect, I can listen to loud music, talk about photography, get pointers, tell stories, and best of all get to work on the weddings that come through. It's so much fun to watch each story unfold. I often catch myself laughing hysterically at some of the photos. Tyson does an awesome job of capturing every detail of the story which makes editing even more fun! Tomorrow I get to assist/second photographer for a wedding under Legacy. I'm really pumped to see how they shoot their weddings since it's much different than a lot of other studios. It's always fun to see how each photographer handles weddings.

There is so much more on my mind, but I think I need to keep it short. I'm trying to finish editing 2 wedding of my own before I have more photo-shoots in the next few weeks. Although, I can't forget about this Sunday on Monday. Katelyn(photo friend and neighbor), and Sarah(roomie) are going on a photo adventure to have some fun. I'm pumped since I'll get a photo of me for my website so that it can finally go live. Soon we will get to say 'hello' to! I can't wait!

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